Frazzled UBM
JoinedTopics Started by Frazzled UBM
oh dear I think I messed up and pushed too hard
by Frazzled UBM inreading all the posts on the wt study on higher education and careers really fired me up yesterday.
i have 2 undergraduate and 2 postgraduate degerees and a career as a result which allows me to provide well for my jw wife and son.
i was already unhappy because after 5 or 6 weeks of not going and appearing to be making progress she went back on sunday for the second sunday in a row and as usual was away all day.
Is reading literature a no-no?
by Frazzled UBM inmy wife doesn't read literature.
i think it is such a shame because reading is one of the joys of life so i have been encouraging her but am meeting resistance.
is there a general prohibition on reading 'wordly' books?
Edgeware Assembly
by Frazzled UBM indid anyhone in lonmdon go to the edgeware assembly this weekend?
my wife went today (sunday).
any hints on the topics discussed would be helpful for me to talk about it with her.
Anyone used Steve Hassans techniques to successful get a JW to see TTATT
by Frazzled UBM ini am back online (sitting in the cathay lounge on my way to sydney) after a week with my wifes dysfunctional jw family in the rural philippines.
thanks to your recommendation i have been reading steve hassans book and it has been very helpful for improving my communications with my wife by making me understand what will keep conversations going and what will shut them down.
it has also helped me to understand what is going on with her.
Does the WBTS encourage circumcision?
by Frazzled UBM inmy wife is determined that my son will get circumcised when he is 10 or 11. i tell her that if she wanted him circumcised she should have done it when he was born and that it will be his choice and if he says no i will support him all the way.
one thinkg i am not sure of is whether she is so adamant about this because the wbts requires or encourages it or because it is a cultrual practice int eh philippines (certainly leaving it until 10 or 11 seems to be a filipino thing.
so my question is more directed at the practice of circumcision rather than the age at which it is done..
Sense of Mortality, Existential Angst and Leaving the Borg
by Frazzled UBM infirstly apologies if i am stating the bleeding obvious or covering something that has already been covered or just showing my ignorance as someone who wasnever a jw - i am new here and relatively new in my exposure to the wbts organisation and its dogma.
the thing that has occurred to me is that born-in jws and middle-age jws must avoid the teenage existential angst of really getting a sense of their own mortaility and the middle age crisis of realizing that their best years are behind and they on the long downhill slide, because they expect to live forever.
i always wondered why teenage jws are goody two-shoes while they are believers and often go off the rails, even as 20 or 30 something adults, when they wake up and i figure that, apart from the fact that they are no longer being told what is right and wrong and all of a sudden have to work it out for themselves, this may related to the expectation that you will not physically die.
Any Filipino XJWs here?
by Frazzled UBM inmy wife is filipina and i ge the impression they are a bit different from other jws in regard to shunning family - my sister-in-law is df'd but the family does not exclude her but she does sort of oerpate ont eh margtin of the family.
i wonder wheterh there are any differences with filipino jws.
i get the feeling that less of them fade or leave voluntarily once baptized but weopudl like some confirmation of whether that is correct..
JW attitudes to women
by Frazzled UBM ini would be very interested to hear from you ladies on this one.
i know that the society keeps women in subjugation through the headship cr@p but didn't ahve any sense about hoew prehistoric the attitudes are until the other day when we were driving out of the supermarket car park and my wife spotted a woman dressed in tight shorts (it has been very hot here) and she commented 'they say that women who dress like that dserve to be raped'.
i did a wtf and overreacted 'how can you blame the victim like that - such attitudes give men a lciense to commit rape and make women feel they are to balme if they get raped which in turn means that rape doesn't get reported and it gopes on with impunity.
How to stay married to a born-in JW?
by Frazzled UBM init is hard to work out where to begin.
i have been reading excerpts from this websikte for a long time and it along with a lot of the other sites have been incredibly helpful in helping me to understand what i have got myself into but i alos have no intention of getting out.
i love my wife dearly but in the 9 years i ahve known her and the 2.5 years we ahve been married i have gone through the full gammit of emotions, trials and trbulations and tactics to try to get her to understand that the society is not what it claims to be but to no avail.